The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle

The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle

Hosted by: Anna Runkle

I’m Anna Runkle, also known as the Crappy Childhood Fairy, and I teach people to recognize and heal the symptoms of Childhood PTSD. Welcome to my podcast!I’m not a doctor or therapist; I know about childhood trauma...

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Recognizing and Escaping Toxic Friendships (4-Video Compilation)

Most people won't tolerate mistreatment from friends. But if you grew up with abusive or neglectful parents, you may have been conditioned to hang on for life to toxic friends, no matter what. In this four-video...
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Why You Second-Guess Yourself in When Their Bad Behavior Is Obvious

If you were betrayed in childhood by the adults you trusted, your self-esteem and boundaries can be so wounded, that you become “betrayal blind.” You can SEE you’re getting SO much LESS than you need and deserve in a...
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How Dismissive Parenting Creates Lifelong Problems in Relationships (and How to Heal)

When you were a child you needed the attention of parents – not just for food and shelter, but for your emotions. You need them to recognize and see when you were struggling, and help you navigate relationships, stand...
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Why You’re Hiding Your True Self (and 40 Ways to Break Free)

Being around people, especially if you grew up with trauma, can feel stressful, trigger-y, and dysregulating. People can be mean, they judge you and they make you feel left out, like you don’t belong. For many of us,...
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What to Do When Social Interactions Overwhelm You (4-Video Compilation)

There’s an almost universal symptom that people who grew up with trauma will tend to exhibit - and it’s a sense of disconnection. And even though you crave social connection, trauma often comes with "people triggers"...
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Why You Can’t Stop Craving Love From People You Can’t Have

There is a huge connection between abuse and neglect – especially emotional neglect in childhood – and a painful pattern in adulthood of pouring all the love in your heart into the IDEA of someone you can’t have. The...
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How to Detach When Your Feelings Go TOO FAR

Not every obsessive relationship is a romance. Sometimes it’s a friendship that gets through the cracks of the neglect you grew up with in childhood, and it becomes HUGE In your mind. You think about them, you want...
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10 Emotional Regulation Strategies for Everyday Life

For those of us with childhood trauma, this is what can hurt relationships the most: We get overwhelmed and emotionally dysregulated, and with anger growing more and more intense, we explode. That’s lashing out....
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These Red Flags Mean Walk Away! (4-Video Compilation)

One way you can get deeply hurt in a relationship is when you SEE the red flags in your partner's behavior, but instead of confronting them, you gaslight yourself: This means going into denial, justifying your...
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What to Do When You Think Your Partner is Lying

There are SOME people, some situations, that shut down your common sense. You can be going along doing pretty well, you’re seeing life clearly, you’re moving forward, your judgment is good. And then that ONE person...
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Childhood Neglect & The Urge to Abandon Yourself Around Bad People

When you grew up neglected, abandoned, and with none of your needs met – you may be likely to fall in love with people who are unable to provide the solid, caring love that you need and crave. And at the same time,...
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Pretending to Be "Nice" is Manipulation (And It Won't Work)

A “People Pleaser” is someone who abandons their authentic response to other people during their interactions – who abandons their own choices of what to do, what to say, and what to BE, opting instead to try to guess...
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