The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle

The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle

Hosted by: Anna Runkle

I’m Anna Runkle, also known as the Crappy Childhood Fairy, and I teach people to recognize and heal the symptoms of Childhood PTSD. Welcome to my podcast!I’m not a doctor or therapist; I know about childhood trauma...

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Unhealed Trauma & Poor Boundaries Make Finding The ONE Feel Impossible

When your heart’s desire is to find a love that’s lasting and real, listen to that. This is what you are meant to have. And if you grew up with trauma, what might be blocking you from what you want is unhealed trauma,...
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Childhood Trauma Drives You to ATTACH to People Who Can’t Love You

This is what it feels like to fall for an avoidant: First, there’s a STRONG feeling of connection, like the feeling you knew was possible, and you recognize it like you’ve found home at last. Then you attach quickly,...
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20 Signs That Signal YOU Are Partner Material

It can be HARD to find the right person and form a deep and lasting romantic relationship -- especially if you've had trauma in your past, or you come from a dysfunctional family. If you want to attract real love,...
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Childhood Trauma and Self-Defeating Behavior

Abuse and neglect in childhood can set in motion lifelong trauma symptoms. The people who hurt you are 100% responsible for this harm... it's NOT your fault. It's also true that in adulthood, many of us continue to...
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The Reason They're Pushing You Away Is Not Because They Need Your "Help"

If your attachment style is so anxious and insecure that when your partner pushes you away, and says “I don’t want to be with you anymore,” – YOU hold on tighter than ever – you are stuck in distorted thinking. If...
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Dating Rules to To Help YOU Stop Doing EVERYTHING For Your Mate

Your partner is not your child, so if you're doing everything for them (when they could do these things for themselves), you are overfunctioning. If you grew up with trauma, you may have been “programmed” to pick up...
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Trauma Makes You Prone to Conflict: Here's How to Stop

Having more than your share of conflict with other people is a common adult symptom of growing up with neglect and abuse. Fighting, arguing, and falling out with people can feel normal when your nervous system is...
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Triggering Past Trauma in Relationships

Attachment wounds stem from your primary relationship with parents when you were a child, and affect who you fall in love with, and how you behave in relationships. In this 4-video compilation, I share four of my most...
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How to Tell It's Time to Leave Your "Safe" Relationship

It’s so hard to know if you should stay in a safe relationship even though it’s dull, or break up with that person so you can try for something more romantic and wild? If you grew up with trauma, you may see these as...
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Harsh Signals (You Don't Realize You're Sending) Push Men Away

People with CPTSD often end up with a harsh "edge" to their personalities, especially when they feel vulnerable. It's no surprise that after a childhood of emotional neglect and deprivation, without protection from...
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How to Identify and Escape "Spiritual" Manipulation

Unfortunately, it can be very easy to take advantage of people who were traumatized as kids, and make them think that some uncomfortable or painful or exploitative situation will lead to being loved. When you haven’t...
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Four Signs of Complex PTSD That Most People Might Miss (4-Video Compilation)

One sign that childhood trauma is still affecting you is that you probably have at least one of these common triggers -- things that set off dysregulation in your nervous system, and make it hard for you to function...
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