Heal trauma-driven dating patterns so you can build a healthy, loving, committed relationship.

Two 6-week small-group coaching programs for women who are single and dating, now accepting applications: 
You can apply to either Part One or Part Two.

PART ONE: Heal Your Attraction Pattern 

New Date Coming Soon


PART TWO: Healthy Dating Roadmap

Group Starting Sept 28


Led by Frida Engman via Zoom.


Neglect and Abuse From Childhood Can Profoundly Affect Your Relationships.

Finally, there's a coaching program for women who follow Anna Runkle's techniques and principles for healing wounds of the past and finding real love at last. You're invited to apply!


LEVEL ONE: Heal Your Attraction Pattern

Led by Crappy Childhood Fairy Coach Frida Engman, Saturdays from 9 AM -  10:30 PM Pacific Time on Zoom.

In this group, you'll learn to spot your own trauma-driven pattern that has drawn you to unavailable and inappropriate people in the past.

Through weekly video and worksheet assignments from Anna Runkle, you'll learn to undo romantic obsession and magical thinking. You'll set new and higher standards for yourself, and get clear on the kinds of people you will (and will not) date. With Frida Engman's skilled coaching and the friendly support of your peers, this is your chance to prepare yourself for healthy  dating and real love.

Program Outline

  • Week 1: The Kind You Go For vs. The Kind You Need
  • Week 2: Heal the Wounds of Abandonment
  • Week 3: Overcome Limerence
  • Week 4: Stop Magical Thinking
  • Week 5: Raise Your Expectations, End The "Crapfit"
  • Week 6: Own Your Healing

Cost for Level One

Option A: Single Payment ($1200 or $1050 for members)
Option B: Payment Plan ($625 x 2 or $550 x 2 for members)

Group is limited to ten participants in each group. Admission is through a two-step process. 

Step one is to fill out a simple form, and step two is a short video interview. 


LEVEL TWO: Healthy Dating Roadmap

Led by Crappy Childhood Fairy Coach Frida Engman, Saturdays from 9 AM -  10:30 PM Pacific Time on Zoom beginning September 28.  

Building on the lessons of Part One, this group helps you prepare to date the kinds of people who match what YOU want in your life, and in a partner. 

Through weekly video and worksheet assignments from Anna Runkle, you'll identify trauma-driven reactions that blocked you from love and intimacy in the past. You'll learn a structured way of dating that helps you avoid jumping in too fast, so you can get to know potential partners before you attach to them. With coaching from Frida Engman and camaraderie with your peers, this group is where you can end self-defeating dating patterns at last, and step forward confidently toward dating and finding the right person for YOU. 

Program Outline

  • Week 1: Your "Cablight"
  • Week 2: Healing Avoidance
  • Week 3: Healing Codependency
  • Week 4: Structured Dating
  • Week 5: How to Stay Regulated in a Relationship
  • Week 6: How to Know If This is The Person to Marry

Cost for Level Two

Option A: Single Payment ($1200 or $1050 for members)
Option B: Payment Plan ($625 x 2 or $550 x 2 for members)

Enroll in BOTH 6-Week Programs Together and Save an additional $100 

Admission is limited to fewer than ten participants in each group. Participants are admitted through a two-step application process. 

Step one is to fill out a simple form, and step two is a short video interview. 


Is Real Love Coaching Right For You?

  • You recognize that past trauma is affecting your relationships today
  • You if you are ready to take ownership of your healing, and work on your trauma-driven behaviors to change what happens next
  • You understand that coaching does not take the place of therapy, and that  this program is  focused on practical solutions for you, in present time
  • You're ready to work on your triggers and learn to calm them
  • You are not in crisis, nor have issues that would prevent you from working within a group with courtesy, cooperation and kindness toward others
  • You welcome the support of a coach and peers who can help you build brighter future

"Frida has been an understanding and compassionate guide, helping me find a balance between my work and personal life, a task that can feel overwhelming at times. Her open and engaging coaching style has created a safe environment where I felt comfortable to gently challenge myself and set achievable, meaningful goals. Frida's approach is honest and straightforward, yet she is considerate of the complexities one might face. Her coaching has been a pillar of strength and personal growth, aiding me in navigating my path with more clarity and confidence."

-- Michelle M.

"My coach encouraged and supported us during the whole program. I felt at ease, although English is not my native language. When a member was a bit overwhelmed, our coach said the right words. She had a positive vibe. I realize this coaching is just the beginning! We get the tools now to work in our garden of life, step by step." 

– Ahilde H. Belgium

"I really enjoyed the coaching intensive as it opened my eyes to some blind spots that I had. I also found it very encouraging to be part of a group that gave me the feeling of being understood and appreciated by the other members. I think this course really helped me to make some major progress in my healing journey."

– Mariposa, Germany

The two 6-week programs are open to women who are fluent in English (anywhere in the world).

Here's what's included in each 6-week program...

Now accepting applications for groups beginning Sept 28.
Apply Now

Six 90-minute group sessions with your coach, Frida Engman (on Zoom), using Anna Runkle's 6-week curriculum

✓ One 45-minute 1-on-1 session with Frida (on Zoom)

✓ Fresh content plus self-assessment exercises and teaching videos, created by Anna, assigned each week

✓ Private Slack group just for your coaching group, where you can develop a community of support for ongoing healing

✓ One Year of Membership that gives you access to the Fairy courses, member group coaching calls, monthly webinars and more!

The Details


The Schedule:

The LEVEL ONE Group meets on Zoom for six Saturdays, from 9 AM-10:30 AM Pacific Time.

The LEVEL TWO Group meets on Zoom for six Saturdays, from 9 AM-10:30 AM Pacific Time. (Full schedule: Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2).

Admission is limited to fewer than ten participants in each group.


The Cost:

The cost for EACH 6-week group is $1200 (or $1050 for members)

Payment plan option: $625 x 2 (or $550 x 2 for members)

Enroll in Levels One and Two together and save an additional $100.

Participants are admitted through a two-step application process. Step one is to fill out a simple form, and step two is a short video interview. 

We're sorry, but no scholarships are available for coaching services. 

[email protected] for more details.


The Process:

Participants are admitted through a two-step application process. Step one is to fill out a simple form, and step two is a short video interview.

Click Here to Begin the 2-Step Application Process

Scroll down to learn more about Frida Engman


Here's what others have said about our coaching programs


"Frida’s curiosity and attentive listening skills, coupled with her ability to gently steer her clients in the right direction towards their set goals, are remarkable. She possesses a calm and positive demeanor, making conversations with her effortless and enjoyable. As a coach, her empathy and effectiveness are commendable. I wholeheartedly recommend her."



"It is such a relief to be in a room where there is a solution to the long term effects of having CPTSD. Since I finally know what I'm up against, I'm relieved I'm not alone. I have been able to make better decisions during very life changing circumstances as the result of doing the Daily Practice and by learning from Anna's teachings and the mentorship of my coach. My recovery is ongoing and I tell everyone who wants to know about the Daily Practice how much it's a game changer. Truly, I let them know it saved my life and the quality of my life. It's a simple solution to a complex and complicated brain and I will be forever grateful. Do it. Your life will get better."


"I feel like I finally got the memo! I discovered the Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube and decided to join the coaching intensive because Anna was providing concrete, practical suggestions to address CPTSD. Having been to years of therapy and spent years exploring the world of self-help, there were still things that were a mystery to me. The coaching intensive allowed me to become aware of things that used to be huge blind spots. Being part of a community of others on a journey to heal from CPTSD has been incredibly valuable. I've gained new awareness that has allowed me to have more peace and confidence in my life and there is more and deeper connection in my relationships. Those close to me have noticed it too. I'm thankful to be on this healing journey and part of the Crappy Childhood Fairy community."


"My overall experience with Crappy Childhood Fairy coaching, videos and groups is life-changing. I am different as a result. I am better. I am regulated. I am hopeful. I moved from a place of blaming everyone and everything else to a place of acknowledgment and accountability. I found peace for the first time. Thank you!"




“In a time when I was grappling with uncertainty about life choices and feeling worn down by the daily grind, Frida played a crucial role. She helped me unlock the door to understanding what truly matters to me, allowing me to see my path with newfound clarity."


"One of the things that was surprising to me was the camaraderie and the beauty of the different people that are in the group. I wasn't expecting that, and I have just been so blessed and so touched by the friendships, the people that I've met here. The work was a little bit intense, but it was very healing. It helped me dive deeper into my own issues. Anna's handouts and her worksheets were on point. They were just very facilitative of the process of healing...  It was wonderful. Couldn't recommend it enough."




Meet Your Coach

 Frida Engman, ACC For the past ten years, guiding individuals and groups in trauma-informed coaching. An ICF certified life coach and a long-standing member of the Crappy Childhood Fairy community, she combines coaching with Daily Practice techniques. Based in Malmö, Sweden, her approach, enriched by her deep understanding of trauma and recovery, empowers clients in their personal growth journeys.

Need One-on-One Coaching? You can book time with Frida for general support and help with the techniques. Click here for pricing and schedule.

Meet The Fairy

Creator of the Real Love Coaching Programs

Anna Runkle is best known as "The Crappy Childhood Fairy," and is the creator of the popular YouTube channel, blog and courses where she has taught more than 150,000 women and men worldwide her techniques and principles to heal the CPTSD. To support students in more fully integrating the techniques and principles she teaches, Anna created the popular 8-Week Coaching Intensive in 2020. (All course materials for the program are pre-recorded by Anna.) She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two sons.

Other Coaching and Mentorship Options


Want individual coaching with Frida or Cara? Get details here. 

Seeking a lower-cost option? Join the Membership program (just $499 a year) and access to twice-monthly group coaching calls (Q&A style) on Zoom, plus full access to my courses, webinars and our secret Facebook group.

Need a no-cost option? Join the free Daily Practice course. You'll be invited to weekly free Zoom calls where we practice the technique together. 



Contact us at: h[email protected]